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"The beginning of all"

Hi, my name tag is alecuba97 as many of you may realize the nickname is based on my real name, my homeland & my year of birth. My name is Alessandro but enough about that. Most of you probably will not read every word of this story but for those who would like to know me here i will reveal some of my life experience so, set back, grab a drink of your choice & let us begin.

Once upon time, in a island called Cuba a child was born the name of this child is "Alessandro Rodriguez" a extraordinary human child, the day of his birth was an interesting beginning, this little child was born normal, however, when the doctor cut the belly a terrible mistake has happened. The tool used to cut the umbilical cord was infested. This is how a rough childhood began. Five hours after such mistake had happen the infection had evolved into epilepsy, and the first epileptic attack happened six hours after the birth almost ending his life.

The child was in so much danger, his parents terrified of such development begged a billion times to save my life. One thing that everyone must consider is simple a small child can't take much pain because his tiny body is weak so extreme medication is equal to death, but even though such thing is a huge risk, they tried. After hours of treatment the child was no longer alive. Few minutes trying to resurrect the child, a miracle happen, Alessandro cheated death.

The story will continue...

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